
Join as a Member

Becoming a member is as easy and it is completely free. But if you’re looking to do more and become involved in supporting our community, you can join as a Premium Member. Besides enjoying discounts at some of our events, you will also have the opportunity to actively vote on issues regarding our organization during our annual SSNY Meeting as well as being invited to Premium Member only events.

Please see below a selection of past Premium Member only events which might convince you to join our more exclusive offerings.

Past Premium Member Events

Please see the two membership options Free vs. Premium below. You will find FAQ at the bottom of this page. If you have any further questions regarding our Membership Plans, please contact us here.

Membership Plans

When signing up to either of our membership plans, please select make sure to verify your email address and accepting marketing, otherwise, we will not be able to send you any email communication such as our newsletter or event updates.

Free Membership

  • Receive our quarterly newsletter

  • Get invited to events

  • Volunteer and support opportunities


Premium Membership

  • Receive our quarterly newsletter

  • Get invited to events

  • Volunteer and support opportunities

  • Ability to propose and publish an article in our quarterly newsletter

  • Get discounts to events

  • Exclusive member events

  • Invitation and voting rights at SSNY Annual Meeting

Join for $100 per annum

The Swiss Society of New York is a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit organization. All donations, be that monetary or in-kind, are fully tax deductible. We do not receive government funding, neither Swiss nor American. All of our funding comes from the generosity of the Swiss-American community.

Interested in becoming a Sponsor?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your premium membership is valid from the time of purchase for one full year. You will receive an automatic reminder to pay your annual fee when due.

    • Ability to propose and publish an article in our quarterly newsletter

    • Get discounts to events

    • Exclusive member events

    • Invitation and voting rights at SSNY Annual Meeting

  • No, each Premium Membership is assigned to one single individual. However, with a Premium Membership you will benefit from discounts to specific events where you will be able to buy a “plus 1” ticket.
    Kids and teenagers until the age of 21 are free.

  • No. However, previously purchased Lifetime Memberships are still valid. Please reach out to if there is any questions or concerns regarding your Lifetime Membership.

  • Yes, signing up to our Free Membership Plan will give you access to most benefits however you may not have full access to special events and discounts.

    You can sign up to the Premium Membership at anytime with the same email and contact details through the Premium Membership button.

  • Unfortunately we are not able to offer any refunds for previously purchased Premium Membership plans. However, you may cancel your annual membership at anytime.